Arden School of Theatre - BA Honours Degree

The Actors Class with Mary Doherty

Captivate ltd - Performance Capture training & Stage and Screen Combat

APC, BADDC, BADC - Stage Combat Training in Unarmed, Rapier, Short Sword, Broadsword, Dagger and Quarterstaff.

MocapVaults - Motion capture

VOGym with Abbie Daniels

Cicely Berry Voice over training

Represented by London Voiceover


That’s What They Said

I had the pleasure of directing many of Christopher’s voice-over sessions and motion-capture acting for our game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was always prompt, highly professional and absorbed director’s notes instantly and precisely. Christopher is charismatic, always calm and composed and I wish him well-deserved success in his acting career.
— Kateřina Matějíčková - Warhorse Studios

The Studio

Looking for a remote recording without the expense of hiring a studio? I’ve got you covered with my acoustically treated recording booth and high quality gear, I can record, edit and even master the file if you require!

Rode NT1A condenser microphone

Behringer audio interface

Reaper DAW

Source Connect

Producers Choice Sound Blankets, Acoustic Panelling, Vocal Booth to Go VoMo model.